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作家詳細 -村上隆/Takashi Murakami




1996年に作品制作のための工房「ヒロポン・ファクトリー」を創設する。2001年には有限会社Kaikai Kikiとして法人化、アーティスト集団『カイカイ・キキ(Kaikai Kiki)』の主宰として、若手アーティストのプロデュースを行うなど、活発な活動を展開している。同集団は、アメリカのニューヨークにも版権を管理するエージェントオフィスをもつ。


翌2006年にはAICA USA(全米批評家連盟)による最優秀テーマ展覧会賞を受賞する。

2010年にはヴェルサイユ宮殿で現代美術家としては3人目となる個展「MURAKAMI VERSAILLES」を開催。
2012年にカタールのドーハで個展「Murakami-Ego」を開催し、幅100m におよぶ大作《五百羅漢図》(2012)を発表した。この《五百羅漢図》は15-16 年に森美術館で行われた個展「村上隆の五百羅漢図展」でも展示され、この展覧会がきっかけとなり、平成27年度(第66 回)芸術選奨文部科学大臣賞を受賞した。
2017年には「Murakami by Murakami」(アストルップ・ファーンリ美術館、オスロ)をはじめとする5つの大規模個展を海外で開催した。


1991個展『 TAKASHI, TAMIYA』を開催、現代美術家としてデビュー
1994ロックフェラー財団のACC グラントを得て、「PS1.ART PROJECT」の招待を受けニューヨークに滞在
2001展覧会『SUPER FLAT』展(アメリカロサンゼルス)が開催され全米で話題となる
2005ニューヨークで個展『 リトルボーイ展』を開催( この展覧会はキュレーターに送られる世界で唯一の賞であるニューヨークの美術館開催の最優秀テーマ展覧会賞を受賞)
2008米Time 誌の「世界で最も影響力のある100 人」に選ばれる
2010フランス・ベルサイユ宮殿にて「Murakami Versailles」が開催される
2023RTFKT x ナイキ x Takashi Murakami エアフォース1 コレクションを公開
2024京都市京セラ美術館開館 90 周年記念展「 村上隆もののけ京都」展開催


Takashi Murakami was born in Tokyo in 1962. He has various faces as an artist, curator, collector, film director, founder of a company “Kaikai Kiki co, Ltd.”. His style of work like Japanese animation & pop culture is strongly influenced by Ukiyo-e, Rin-ha in Japanese traditional painting. So, it contains “flat feeling” of Japanese painting, ink to ‘nerd” culture, both of them are the keywords for Japanese contemporary culture. His works, especially using the elements of subculture like animation, figures, so to say Otaku (≒ nerd) culture, are the most famous and popular in the world. He is an originator and the representative artist, who makes “Superflat” theory connecting the flatness of Japanese painting and Japanese contemporary culture.

He originally wanted to become an animator because he loved animation. He respected Hayao Miyazaki, one of the most famous animation film directors, and hope to be involved in animation works. However, he was frustrated and started to study Japanese painting, he was also interested in it from before. He learned Japanese painting in faculty of Fine Arts of Tokyo university of the Arts and completed the graduated school of the university. The theme of his doctoral dissertation is “Around the meaning of the non-meaning in the meaning”. It’s the first time the student of Japanese painting got the PhD of the university.

In 1996, he founded “Hiropon Factory”, which is a workshop for the production of artworks.
In 2001, the company was incorporated as Kaikai Kiki Ltd. and has been active in producing young artists as the leader of the artist collective Kaikai Kiki. The group also has an agent office in New York, USA, which manages copyrights.

In 2000, he curated and held the group exhibition “Superflat” in Shibuya PARCO. Masafumi Sanai, HIROMIX, Yoshitomo Nara, Takashi Murakami, BOME (KAIYO-DO) joined it and went round Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA).

In 2005, he held Little Boy ~ Explosion of Japanese subculture art at Japan Society in NY. His works and the works by Japanese artists and Japanese nerd (OTAKU) culture products were exhibited. Then, he indicated his thoughts Japan as a lazy child castrated by USA and comfortably fastening, Otaku -culture as distorted culture emerging from the situation”, Therefore, Otaku -culture was also emerged from USA”.   

In 2006, the exhibition received Best Theme Exhibition Award in NY museums, it’s the only prize in the world. And at the same time, it received Best Theme Exhibition Award by AlCA (Association Internationale de Critique d’Art) USA.

In 2010, he held the solo exhibition “MURAKAMI VERSAILLES” in Versaille Palace.
He was the 3rd contemporary artist to hold the exhibition there.

In 2012, he held the solo exhibition “Murakami-Ego” in Doha, Qatar. The huge work “500 Arhats”, with 100m was presented. This work was exhibited, at “500 Arhats by Takashi MURAKAMI” in Mori art museum and it lead to the award named Art Encouragement Minster of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and technology award.

In 2017, five big exhibitions, like “Murakami by Murakami”, were held. The motives repeatedly appeared are “Mr.DOB” and “OHANA (flower) “. Except the exhibition, he started the art event “Geisai” for young artists once a year in Japan & Taiwan.
In 2003, he collaborated with Louis Vuitton, presented “Monogram. Multicolor.”
In 2013, debut as a film director, feature-length film ‘Mememe-no-Kurage “

1991Solo exhibition TAKASHI, TAMIYA was held, it’s his debut as a contemporary artist.
1994He got ACC grant by Rockfeller Foundation and was introduced to NY.
1998Guest professor of University of California, Los Angels.
(Faculty of fine arts and architecture)
2001Exhibition ” SUPER FLAT was held and became a hot topic in USA.
2001He found Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd.
2003Total produce of Roppongi Hills.
He presented collaboration works with LOUIS VUITTON.
2005Exhibition “LITTLE BOY” in NY.
2006This exhibition received Best Theme Exibition Award in NY museums,
it’s the only prize in the world
2006Art Encouragement Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and technology
New face Award
2008100 most influential people in the world of 2008 by TIME USA
2010 ” Murakami Versailles” was held in Versaille Palace in France.
2016Art Encouragement Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and technology
2022Design the drop curtain in KABUKI – 2A which celebrate the show off the succession
of the 13th Danjuro ICHIKAWA very famous KABUKI Actor.
2023RTFKT x Nike x Takashi Murakami Air Force 1 collection released.
Takashi Murakami (tentative name) will be featured at the 90th anniversary
exhibition of the Kyocera Museum of Art, Kyoto, which will be held from February 3,


  • 『スーパーフラット展』渋谷パルコギャラリー
  • 『Superflat』ロサンゼルス現代美術館(MOCA)
  • 『召喚するかドアを開けるか回復するか全滅するか』東京都現代美術館
  • 『ぬりえ展』パリ、カルティエ現代美術財団
  • 『逆転二重螺旋』ニューヨーク、ロックフェラー・センター
  • 『リトルボーイ:爆発する日本のサブカルチャー・アート展』ニューヨーク、ジャパン・ソサエティー・ギャラリー他
  • 『村上隆回顧展(C)MURAKAMI』カリフォルニア、ロサンゼルス現代美術館(MOCA)
  • 『Murakami Versailles』フランス・ヴェルサイユ宮殿
  • 『Murakami Ego』、Al-Riwaq Doha exhibition space、カタール・ドーハ
  • 『村上隆の五百羅漢図展』森美術館
  • 『村上隆のスーパーフラットコレクション-蕭白、魯山人からキーファーまで-』横浜美術館
  • 『バブルラップ-「もの派」があって、その後のアートムーブメントはいきなり「スーパーフラット」になっちゃうのだが、その間、つまりバブルの頃って、まだネーミングされてなくて、其処を「バブルラップ」って呼称するといろいろしっくりくると思います。特に陶芸の世界も合体するとわかりやすいので、その辺を村上隆のコレクションを展示したりして考察します。』熊本市現代美術館

Main Exhibitions

  • Superflat, Parco Gallery, Shibuya, Tokyo
  • Superflat Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA)
  • Summon or Open the Door, Recover or Annihilate,” Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
  • Coloring Exhibition,” Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris
  • Inverted Double Helix,” Rockefeller Center, New York
  • Little Boy: The Explosion of Japanese Subcultural Art,” Japan Society, New York Japan Society Gallery, New York, etc.
  • Takashi Murakami Retrospective ©MURAKAMI,” Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA), California
  • New York, Brooklyn Museum of Art; Frankfurt, Frankfurt Museum of Modern Art,
  • Bilbao Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao
  • Murakami Versailles, Palace of Versailles, France
  • Murakami Ego,” Al-Riwaq Doha exhibition space, Doha, Qatar
  • Takashi Murakami’s Five Hundred Arhats,” Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
  • Murakami Takashi’s Superflat Collection: From Siewhaku and Rosanjin to Kiefer,” Yokohama Museum of Art, Yokohama, Japan
  • Bubble Wrap – After Mono-ha, the next established art movement is Superflat, but that means the interim period overlapping the years of Japan’s economic bubble has yet to be named, and I think calling it “Bubblewrap” suits it well. It especially makes sense if you incorporate the realm of ceramics. This show will contemplate this period through works including those from Takashi Murakami’s collection. Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto, Japan

「村上隆/Takashi Murakami」作品ギャラリー

村上 隆ーの >>すべての作品を見る

ナターシャ・バーンズ村上 隆レスリー・セイヤー海外作家国内作家
